I wanted to build my website to show myself. At first, I was building the website from scratch. It was not easy. I spent a long time triying to build the template and re-organizing it to make it look nice. After building my website, and not getting much of an outcome, I decided to use a template instead. I went with Morki, since my stepfather had already used it for his business’s website. To make my website, I configured Morki to work with Jekyll.

Jekyll is a plugin that allows you to set up you website, and then not have to create each file manually. You only need to create a file that describes how the website looks like once, and then you could make blog text files, and Jekyll automatically puts the text files in the site. Jekyll makes it easier to make a website.

Here is how to setup Jekyll

To install Jekyll, you need to first install Ruby.

After installing Ruby, you can install Jekyll by using the command: gem install Jekyll bundler.

After installing Jekyll, you can set up your website shown by the link above.

After I had setup the template, I had finished my website, which you are browsing on right now. This website is about me and my blogs.

You can find the full source code for this website here: https://github.com/tagirsabirov/tagirsabirov.github.io